Sunday, October 9, 2011

I only thought...

I guess I fooled myself into thinking the funeral was closure. My sisters and I have been cleaning out Mom's house. Everything we touch brings back memories... stirs emotions... and causes tears to flow. I'm not sure at this time if closure is a reality. I've always heard losing someone is something you never get over, but must learn to live with... if that's the case, closure is a fantasy...


Jean said...

Let me see if I can write again what I thought I posted here last night...

Yeah, it is not so simple. Or quick.
There is no set time frame. I see it more as eventual acceptance and resolution. How can there really be closure about someone who was such an important part of a life for so long?
My mom has been gone 24 years. Yet, I cried out for her just the other day.

Take care of yourself.

T said...

Life will never be the same...your heart is forever broken and the lies you've told yourself for years are suddenly exposed. There is a truth and reality now to your life and purpose on this earth...we are here to carry each other until the Lord takes our hand. I am losing my second mother right now...I come home from the hospital exhausted and afraid. But I pray Xman, and I hope you are too. The sorrow comes at you in unexpected and engulfing. Please don't go won't hurt any less if you hide from it.

Ed Bonderenka said...

Sorry for your loss, man.
Nope, can't think of anything else to say.
Will hold you in prayer.

Ed Bonderenka said...

You OK?
Been a while.