Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Oh Boy!

Christmas is coming... and gift giving and seeing friends and blah, blah, blah, blah...

Come on January!!


Jean said...


Kernut the Blond said...

I went out to go shopping. Once. After two hours of wasted time, returning with nothing more than complete frustration, I decided to order everything online.

Here's to New Year's!

♫NWM♫ said...

KERNUT!!! How have you been? How's the adventure going?

♫NWM♫ said...

Jean... you going to be around sometime between Christmas and New Years?

Jean said...

More than likely.

(this Haiku Monday topic is - spin.)

Jean said...

Merry Christmas, my friend.

Ed Bonderenka said...

Have a Merry Christmas and gift giving and seeing friends and blah, blah, blah!

♫NWM♫ said...

And a Merry Christmas to you all!!!

Jean said...

Hey, Gameboy!! Holidays are over.
Howzabout comin' up for air?
